Thursday, November 30, 2006
Now you see you don't~
Prom night!!!!Not as fun as expected, but maybe thats coz I didn't see many friends there?Only Ray and Sparrow were present...where's a bubbly Ling and an extremely lame QQ when you need them!? Well....but it was ok I guess....Was awkward I didn't belong...^^'''
Anyhoo...The photos!!!!!!!Not many though...I wasn't really with Sparrow, and Ray was a bit reluctant to snap photos...and as I said, I don't really know the others...humph.-_-'''
Elusive Ray!!!Lol...yes...thats the lucky number...097!!!(NOT,lol) Sparrow!!!The gentleman as always...(and even more elusive than Ray,hence NO PIC AVAILABLE,lol)
Jes is so cute haha!!!
Alan and Jin Zhe...Jin Zhe says: BANZAI!!!!lol
And Alan won 50 bucks!!!*GASP*
We are hiding in the dark.......yep....Where NO ONE can see us...XD
The man behind Yong Xiang's ties.....CHOON YIK!!!Lol....><
Yup...THE END!!!!^^
Mission Completed At 12:52 AM
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Lol....I've been watching tons of Resident Evil 4 parodies lately!!!Coz I like Leon and I think he's soooooooo gay~^^
Well...he is!!!Watch the video on mah front page lol!!!
AAAAAND...Prom night is tommorow!!!YAYAYAY!!!!:D
Well,yeah...and I had mah nails done today!!Black...ehehhehheh~!
Once again...LEON IS GAY~~~!!!MWAAHAAHAAAAAAA!!!!!><
Mission Completed At 9:01 AM
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
YAY!!!!!Sparrow and Ray came to mah house tah play yesterday and the day before. They're really fun tah be with!!!Haha...we played PS2(Sparrow kept cheating with his bombfarts in Guilty Gear!!!GAH!!!!!!) Jenga(tried to use it to play domino...didn't work) cards...(cheat was impossibly loooooong,and Dai Dee rocks!!!!!!Coz I can and then Pictionary with mah mom!!!(yep, my mom is a fun person yah know...age has got NO limits) They stayed till 12++??Lol....
Oh...and yesterday, I finally got my contacts when meeting Sparrow and Ray at Wheelock place!!!For prom night haha~~
Oooh~~~Tommorow is prom night....I've been anticipating it!!!:D
Anyway,change of I read the newspapers about something the Abdullah guy said. It was something about the Muslim/Christian rift??Well,I'm not Christian, but I do have something to say to that...
He said that the 'invasion' of Muslim countries such as Lebanon and Iraq only causes a wider gap between the Muslims and Christians...blahblahblah,and that Christian countries always denounce the Muslim religion and such....hence making the Muslims and Christians ave a larger rift between them.
However,here is MY question: What about the Muslim countries? may not be just with the Christians you know. Even the Hindu religion. There was this article where Muslim authorities in a Muslim country forced an Indian man(who had died) to be buried AS a Muslim and with Muslim ritual. There is also another article where a Christian couple living in a Muslim country were put under house arrest for being too 'intimate' which is totally against the Muslim religion. Problem is:THEY ARE NOT MUSLIM!!!!
Hence it can be seen this 'rift' is not only caused by the Christians, but partly by the Muslims as well. Instead of asking just the Christians to change, should he not turn to his own people, the Muslims and ask them to change as well? Especially since he has more control over the Muslims than the Christians(naturally...I mean,he IS Abdullah and not lets say...the king of a Christian oriented country??) If there is a rift, both parties will always have a part to play. So BOTH Muslims and Christians have to change.
OMG, was that blasphemy right there just now???Well...whatever,hope it isn't...-_-'''
Well...tata!!!!!!!PROM NIGHT'S TOMMOROW!!YAY~!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mission Completed At 8:07 PM
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Mission Completed At 4:24 AM