Tuesday, November 29, 2005
10 October 2005
This is candy corn...^^
Listening to:Dir En Grey "CAGE"
Yoyoyo!!It's halloween folks!!So be happy,scary and crack thy stupid door to door jokes!!!:D Okok,so halloween is not somthing celebrated here,but yet it is acknowledged all over the world,so please,fellow Singaporeans,know this:IT DOES EXIST!!!
Halloween is a festival,which holds cultural value.Unknown to many of you,it is a festival in celebration of the harvest in October.^^Dunno how the trick or treating came about,but it's fun!!!:DBut since singaporeans don't celebrate here,and rail at you if you ask for candy(NOTHING IS FREE BUB!!),we can only celebrate one's house,as a party is held....
I went with my family to my mom's colleague's house,she lives alone with a cat and is American.The other colleauges were invited too,all tried to dress up one way or another.I just wore halloween colours,had nothing to wear...My bro dressed up as a dark magey thing.:PThere were hippies,witches,chinese thingie,lol...EVEN A HE-SHE!!!ARGH!!><(HE-SHE=Men dressed as women)No,not the pretty ones,for heaven's sake.....-_-'''
Haha,took home many candehs!!!!!Had lotsa fun....>^_^< This is HE-SHE!ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!><
EVIL FATTY!!!!MWEHEHEHEH!!!I'm a witch!!!!!Lol,borrowed my bro's hat.After halloween in the car....can ya tell I'm sleepy??It was 2am....^_^
Mission Completed At 4:09 AM